3DS Max Modifier List

3DS Max

Modifiers List

1.       Extrude – To convert 2D Shapes in to 3D objects (Adding Depth to the 2D Shapes ).
2.       Lath - To convert 2D Shapes in to 3D objects (To Create 360 Degree Turns).
3.       Bevel - To convert 2D Shapes in to 3D objects (Like Extrude Modifier With Edge bevels ).
4.       Cross section - To convert 2D Shapes in to 3D Shapes.
5.       Twist
6.       Melt
7.       Shell
8.       Taper
9.       Skew
10.   Squeeze
11.   Stretch
12.   Cap holes
13.   Edit spline
14.   Edit poly
15.   Edit mesh
16.   Mesh smooth
17.   Turbo smooth
18.   Smooth
19.   FFD
20.   Lattice
21.   Displace
22.   Path deform
23.   Edit patch
24.   Bend
25.   Affect region
26.   Symmetry
27.   Slice
28.   Bevel profile
29.   Noise
30.   UVW map
31.   Reactor Cloth
32.   Reactor Soft body