3D Animation Teaching Methodology

3D Animation Teaching Methodology

With alternate day classes Duration : 2 Hours per Classes (total 30 Classess)

CLASS 0. Basics of Animation and Seguencial Naming Procedure  (Introduction to tools like Frame Rates ,Set Key, Graph Editor and etc ..) IF STUDENTS MAY KNOW NO NEED

CLASS 1. Bouncing Ball Animation along with 12 Principles of Animation and Graph Editor

CLASS 2. Three Different Materialized Objects Animation With Weight and timing relations  (Iron Ball,Rubber Ball, Balloon )

CLASS 3. Introduction to Posing and  4 Basic Rules with Silout  (Arcs, Weight shift, Offset,Look at )

CLASS 4. Introduction to Biped Walk cycle and Basic Steps  ( Including Rig Controls, IK and FK , Poses of  Contact and Passing explanations )

CLASS 5. Walk cycle Remaining part , Smoothing Graph ( Including Poshes of Down and Peak Point and Pre and Post Infinity Cycles and all with
 explanations )

CLASS 6. Walk Cycle Forward Movement Techniques and Graph Tangents ( Including Spline, Flat, Linear, Break  And all..)

CLASS 7. Making of Run Cycle  with Reference and  A small explanation about Qudraped Walk and Run cycle

CLASS 8. Introduction to Animation Movie Making ( About Scene,Shot, Story Board ,X-Sheet and Animatics  :: Levels of Animation  )

CLASS 9. Basics  Animation in the Process of  Blocking , Primary and Secondary ( with  Example of box and Character Jump )

CLASS 10. Blocking Animation With Relational Depth Posing and step tangents ( with  Example of  Sitting In a Bench and Going to Sleep )

CLASS 11. Blocking Animation With Relational Depth Posing and Constrain Parenting Technique ( with  Example of  Foot ball kick Animation )

CLASS 12. Blocking Animation With Relational Depth Posing and Constrain Parenting Technique ( with  Example of  throwing a disk Animation )

CLASS 13. Blocking Animation With Walk cycle Merging and Turning Using Re-director  ( with Example  Walking Towards a bench and siting in a park with bended path  )

CLASS 14. Primary Animation With Walk cycle Merging and Turning Using Re-director  ( with Example  Walking Towards a bench CLASS 13 )

CLASS 15. Primary Animation  ( with  Example of  throwing a disk Animation CLASS 12 )

CLASS 16. Primary Animation  ( with  Example of  Foot ball kick Animation CLASS 10  )

CLASS 17. Primary Animation with Facial Expression  ( with  Example of Banana Skip Animation )

CLASS 18. Primary Animation with Facial Expression and Stretch Posing  ( with  Example of Fall in to Man hole Animation )

CLASS 19. Secondary Animation with off set and Delays  ( with  Example of Banana Skip Animation CLASS 17 )

CLASS 20. Secondary Animation with off set and Delays  ( with  Example of  throwing a disk Animation  CLASS 12 )

CLASS 21. Secondary Animation with off set and Delays  ( with  Example of  Foot ball kick Animation CLASS 16)

CLASS 22. Making of Lip Sinking ( with Audio Impoting and Range Setting )

CLASS 23. Export and Import of Animation also Handilng Script Editor For Coustmization ( with merging ,replace and etc.)

CLASS 24. Bloking Animation of an Acting Shot With Dialouge ( with 4 Basic Rules of  Arcs, Weight shift, Offset,Look at.)

CLASS 25.Primary  Animation of an Acting Shot With Dialouge ( Eye bilnks ,ofset ,moving holds,head tilts, etc. CLASS 24. Continution )

CLASS 26.Secondary  Animation of an Acting Shot With Dialouge ( Smoothing and fine tuning and Delays CLASS 25. Continution )

CLASS 27.Demoreel Making With a concept of  20 Seconds Preparing Layouts  ( with single Charector )

CLASS 28.Demoreel Making With a concept of 20 Seconds Preparing Blokings ( with Hukups CLASS 27. Continution )

CLASS 29.Demoreel Making With a concept of 20 Seconds Preparing Primary ( CLASS 28. Continution )

CLASS 30.Demoreel Making With a concept of 20 Seconds Secondary ( CLASS 29. Continution )